About Us

We’re only just getting started on our journey
Learn. Grow. Succeed.
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We’re an ambitious, friendly, educated and experienced team with a shared mission
Our shared values keep us connected and guide us as one team.

Learn from accredited educators recognised as experts in their field.
Learn through a well-structured curriculum designed to enhance engagement and encourage student success.
Learn in a comprehensive course that covers a wide range of markets to expand your trading knowledge.Grow
Grow alongside fellow students, sharing valuable insights and experiences.
Grow with the guidance of knowledgeable educators who provide continuous support.
Grow your understanding to make smarter decisions—avoid the pitfalls of buying at the peak or selling at the bottom.Succeed
Succeed by networking with Alumni members in the MtM Academy community for lasting professional connections.
Succeed in your educational journey and earn a certificate that adds value to your profile.
Succeed financially by making well-informed trading decisions to strengthen your financial strategy.
Mission Statement
To globally empower our community with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to achieve financial confidence.
Where It All Started From
How We Began
The Charity Course Initiative
When ASX Trader turned 40, he wanted to celebrate in a meaningful way to mark the milestone. Instead of focusing on himself, he aimed to give back to others.
ASX Trader chose to launch a charity initiative, offering to teach 40 students in 40 days how to master the markets. The response was overwhelming with more than 1,000 applications received. The team then chose participants at random.
Community Support
Each applicant contributed a donation of AUD $250, all which went to support a local mother in the trading community. Unfortunately, doctors had diagnosed her son with stage 4 cancer.
In total, the initiative raised close to AUD $30,000 to help cover the son’s cancer treatment. He is now on the road to recovery and in good health.
Positive Feedback and Growth
From this experience, ASX Trader received great feedback from the charity course. The students’ positive responses motivated him to expand the program. This effort led to the creation and beginning of Mastering the Markets.
Redefining Success
For ASX Trader, success is not about what you have; it is about what you give back. His journey reinforced his belief in the strength of community and to use success to create a positive impact in the lives of others.
Scholarship Program
To continue the theme of giving back, Mastering the Markets created the Scholarship Program. In this program, we offer scholarships to both of our courses throughout the year.
To date, we have given away over AUD $100,000 in value of courses and trading account funding to applicants who need support.
Apply for the Scholarship Program
The Scholarship Program is open twice a year to applicants globally. It is for those who are passionate about trading but lack the means to kick-start their journey. We seek individuals who can’t afford the courses and need a life-changing boost.
To find out when the next Scholarship Program is open and to apply, please sign up to the newsletter.
Financial Education You Can Trust
Australian Financial Services Licensee Representative

Mastering the Markets is a Corporate Authorised Representative (CAR) of ShareX Pty Ltd, an Australian Financial Services (AFS) licensee.
As an authorised representative, we must follow a strict code of conduct and all financial laws and regulations. To provide financial services, we must meet certain criteria of having adequate qualifications, training, and experience.
We also provide financial services to wholesale and retail clients. We do so efficiently, honestly and fairly.
Representative number: 001309433
ShareX Pty Ltd AFSL number: 519872
Get To Know Us!
Meet Our Team
The Mastering the Markets team consists of seven dedicated staff members, alongside two co-founders.
David (ASX Trader)
Founder & Head Of Education
As a CFTe and professional educator, he revolutionizes financial education by developing a gold-standard, data-driven curriculum at MtM.
Adam Bird
CEO & Co-Founder
Leader in guiding the company’s direction and drives growth through innovative ideas.
Gregory O’Donnell
Oversees the financial planning, budgeting and reporting to ensure long-term financial health and stability.
Thomas Isaac
Manages the daily operations and streamlines processes to drive efficiency to achieve company goals.
Ken Artist
MtM Academy Community Manager
Fosters a positive and interactive user experience with an emphasis on community engagement.
Bridget Bartolo
Head of School
Improves students' outcomes, teaching quality, and relationships between students, educators and the community.
Cam Carnell
DevOps Manager
Technical lead in platform development to improve efficiency and enhance system reliability.
Joy Constantino
Digital Officer
Digital creator that produces accessible, user-friendly content and manages the company’s digital presence.
Monica Semmens
Student Experience Officer
Enhances student satisfaction, supporting their journey, and ensuring a positive, engaging learning experience.
Alexia Touch
Accounts Manager & Events Coordinator
Manages financial operations, ensures accurate reporting, and coordinates events for smooth execution.